Duties of the District Environment Office 'Umweltbüro am Weißen See'
of the Local District Administration of Berlin-Pankow
The environmental and nature conservation work of the Environment Offive "Umweltbüro am Weißen See) concentrates on the areas of
environment pedagogic and education
ecology oriented public relation works
environmental counselling and information in the Environment Office premises
These leads to the following tasks:
- Competent professional counselling in a wide variety of environmental and nature conservation
themes for the residents of the district of Pankow in Berlin (means: Pankow, Weißensee, Karow,
Prenzlauer Berg, Buch) and the neighbouring territories.
- Mediation between the department of health and environmental conservation and the other departments of the district offices as well as the senator's administration departments (especially e.g. the senator of environmental conservation, environment-criminal police [Umwelt-Kripo], State Residents Registration Office), on one side and the citizens on the other side.
- Public relations work giving a priority to ecological themes from the department of helth and the department of environmental conservation and nature in the district office in the form of:
- exhibtions
- lectures and talks
- campaigns and on request working with other partners
- education and information for environmentally adequate behaviour
- Environment education and up-bringing of kids and youths
- wide range of work in teh schools, day nurseries and other public institutions
- attending to individuals, carrying out group works and working with teams of pupils and students in teh Enviroment Office
- Projects
- Holiday programs
- Third world policy with specific environmental aspects; e.g. africa-weeks i.e. 2 weeks in March offering a great variety of events with different partners and one big central event, Asia-PacificWeeks, Eastern Europe.
- From 1996 the Environment Office dedicates itself to the introduction of the Local Agenda 21 for Pankow. The Environment Office is the co-ordinator.
- As a tradition two special themes are taken care of the in the Environment Office from the beginning:
- the linkage of art with nature and environment themes
- environmental view points from non-local regions, until now Africa, Eastern Europe, China, Ireland
The offers of the Environment Office "Am Weißen See" aim the following target groups
- the public of the district and the neighbouring areas
- kids and young people from Pankow's day nurseries and schools as well as leisure time institutions and indepentent groups
- adults in need of individual environmental advice
- ecology oriented clubs and associations, federations and action groups
- civil offices
Beachten Sie bitte auch folgende Angebote des Umweltbüros am Weißen See
thematische Info-Blätter - Umweltblätter zu ökologisch orientierten Themen
Möglichkeit eines Praktikums im Umweltbüro
111 Umwelttipps - eine Veröffentlichung, die als Antworten auf die Fragen von Bürgern entstand.
Erstellt im UMWELTBÜRO am Weißen See - Die Website wurde im Umweltbüro von Ina Bartrow ins Englisch übersetzt. Die Inhalte werden als "in memoriam" weiterhin von G. Haase betreut.
Der grüne Ort Pankow..
..Wildtiere im Stadtgebiet..
..Einige Gedanken zum Reisen..
..Fütterung von Wasservögeln in der Großstadt..
..Gefahr oder Hysterie: Mobilfunkstrahlung..
..Rabenvögel in der Großstadt..
..Es soll doch alles sauber sein..
..Die Rosskastanien-Miniermotte cameraria ohridella..
..Wie die Luft zum Atmen..
..Was ist die "Lokale Agenda 21"?..
..Die Pankower Rieselfelder (Blankenfelde, Schönerlinde, Hobrechtsfelde)..
..Entlang der nördlichen Naturschutzgebiete Pankows..
..Die Kraft der Kräuter..
..Naturnahe Balkongestaltung..
..Entlang des Zingergraben-Grünzuges (Berlin-Pankow)..
..Durch das Naherholungsgebiet Berliner Barnim..
..Begrünung von Baumscheiben..
..Hinweise zur Fassadenbegrünung..
..Der Weiße See..
..Spielend gegen die alltägliche Katastrophe..
..Lagerfeuer und Grillen..
..Neozoen - Gebietsfremde Tiere..
Die Internetfassung wurde zuletzt am 03. Juni 2011 aktualisiert.
Anfragen zur Website: webmaster@umweltbuero-weissensee.de
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